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Monday 20 January 2014

Inspirations close to home

We've been a bit quiet while we busily prepare orders for our signs and jars. We've had a great response to our designs on Facebook and Ebay and we're working on setting up an Etsy shop when we get a moment spare!

One of the unique things about our designs is the wording we use. The Seashack is all about positivity; seeing the best in everything, always looking at the glass half full. Many of our words are inspired from our everyday life experiences whether it be being a parent or exploring nature. The words represent feelings; tackling everyday emotions and overcoming them with positivity and gratitude. We express ourselves through our designs and this in itself helps us to remain positive and keep focus.

I produced this sign this morning. It's not quite finished yet but it's inspiration came from my Daughter.  She is 11 months old and spends much of her time in the sling, watching me intently. I caught her gazing at me a few days ago and felt a burning sense of joy mixed with responsibility for this little person! We truly are the best role models for our children & I for one want mine to live a conscious, positive life. G x

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