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Monday 7 July 2014

Life's little mountains

Yesterday should have been a rubbish day! So many things seemed to happen; our Internet went down, I ruined one of my favourite (& new!) pieces of clothes, we left my Son's special toy at preschool, we went to the cinema to watch a film that we discovered isn't out yet (!) & a customer parcel arrived damaged!

Later in the day, after all these things had happened, my Hubby said 'You're not having a good day are you?' & I thought to myself 'Aren't I?'

I realised that I hadn't let these things get to me. Even the damaged frame didn't take over my day like perhaps it might have in the past. I felt genuinely bad for the customer and priority was getting in touch immediately to sort it out. After this the first thing I thought was, 'Ok, this is a learning opportunity'. The fogotten toy we can pick up today, the clothes may wash up & the cinema? Well it just obviously wasn't meant to be. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that instead of feeling upset or angry about it we can use it as almost like constructive criticism. We have control over how we react.

Immediately Mum and I made some decisions about future frame orders and that was a good thing. We both acknowledged that we were disappointed but that we'd been given this experience for a reason. We 'owned' the disappointment right then and there and moved on!

It occurred to me that since we've been practicing gratitude more and more the way I deal with situations like these is changing. I'm calmer, less panicked & feel more in control of my life and my emotions. This has got to be a good thing, right?

And you know what? Today is a new day, a new chapter & it's going to be a great one!

Gemma x

(Picture source: Pinterest)

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