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Thursday 12 June 2014

A day out :-)

I am always warmed at the heart by the kindness and innocence of these little people :-)

I love our Tuesdays and Thursdays - they are the days we have completely free - no preschool and time to be as spontaneous as we like :-)  Today when we woke up the sun was shining and I just had this urge to go to the beach <3 
We're fortunate to leave near the coast and there are some lovely little spots not too far at all.  Now that my youngest is walking it's so much easier to be able to pop down to the beach and let the 2 of them be free - let them explore <3  But as it does sometime, a better idea came to me - and that was to go down to Maldon. 

We had a few hours down there - it's a lovely waterside town in Essex which is quaint and arty in its own way <3 The kids played and Mum and I chatted about The Seashack and everyday life.  The weather was lovely and we've come back fully inspired again.  I have been feeling a bit creatively blocked as you do now and again but hopefully I am moving in the right direction...

While we had stopped for an ice cream the kids enjoyed watching the lovely old sail barges go up and down the river, taking people on trips.  And as I turned to watch them something occurred to me.

Both the kids were waving enthusiastically at the boat - calling to the people on it!  It was so sweet, but none of them waved back :-(  I noticed that the boat consisted of adults and it got me thinking about how kids are naturally full of joy - they see other people and they want to make a connection with them.  They don't care if they are loud or people are looking or they are behaving differently to others.  They have no yet been socially conditioned.  It made me feel sad that they will lose this at some point :-(  Right now they want to smile and talk and be friendly but as we get older we become hardened to this - to opening up to strangers.  Our kids have no inhibitions - they are trusting and open and feel pure happiness at making that connection <3  I loved watching them and I hope they continue to stay open for as long as possible.

Gemma x

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